Friday, March 20, 2015

Yay! My first post

Wow! I can not believe I finally got around to starting this blog. This has been on my never-ending list of things to do for a very long time. So long, in fact, that the initial concept wasn't anything like what this has turned out to be. But I'm hoping that my catch-all topic list will keep you guys checking back and reading (or at least looking over) everything I've got to share.

Our Boys last Christmas
Let me back up a little and introduce myself. My name is Jen Levitt. Two years ago my life took a total 360-degree turn and now I find myself trying to figure out how to make it through all of the hurdles each of my new rolls come with. I am now a mom. I have 4 super-fun kids; 1 of them (the youngest) I birthed, and the other 3 I happily choose to love (my way of saying they're my step-kids) who are 15, 7, 6, and 10 months old (so you'll probably find lots of posts about being a mommy and parenting). I am now a wife. My amazing partner's name is Leo. One day I'll tell our story but for now I'll just say that he is the best friend I've ever had and the greatest partner I could ever ask for. Don't get me wrong, he's anything but perfect but he's perfect for me and that's exactly what I need and want (so you'll probably find lots of posts about relationships and marriage). I am now also an aspiring Entrepreneur. I recently graduated from the Architectural Technology program at St. Clair College, in Windsor, Ontario and finally am taking a step back from my 10 year stretch working in the nightclub/bar industry so I can start my own home-based business (so you'll probably find some post sprinkled in here about working at home, starting your own business, and being a working parent).

I'm definitely learning as I go with respect to the new rolls I've taken on as a wife, a mother, an entrepreneur, and a general-all-around-responsible adult. I've always had fun with kids but only ever for short times, and always as the fun adult. I never had to discipline any one, or deal with over-tired cranky kids. I never had the responsibility of raising someone instead of just being the fun babysitter that let them stay up 'til mom and dad's head lights told us they'd catch us breaking ALL the rules any second. In fact, as of the day I found out I was pregnant I'd only ever held about a half dozen babies, most of which were my brothers (who were born when I was around 7 years old). Needless to say I've been learning something new everyday, and as far as I can tell everyday that ends with our kids and I alive and smiling is a good day in my books! Before starting this blog I started a Twitter page where I share all of the lessons my kids are teaching me so if your interested in what I'm writing here  you'll probably like what I write there so follow me!

Something else about me that might help shed some light on some of the random topics you'll find here is I am insanely curious. I grew up thinking that to be an adult you had to know everything, and always have the answer to any question. As I grew up I developed a desire to try everything and an insatiable curiosity about the world. Because of this I dabble in a lot of different hobbies. I've always got lots of projects on the go and I'm constantly googleing and researching things. I feel like you can never know enough, and hate the feeling that I get when everyone else knows about something and I'm in the dark. Because of this quirk you'll probably find lots of somewhat random "how-to" posts, or posts about topics that I found interesting, researched, and thought I'd share with you.

Not a great quality picture, but here's Leo and I
when we first started dating a little over 2 years ago.
I'm hoping that with this blog not only will you learn about a bunch of stuff related to parenting and family-life, but that I'll learn some stuff too. The inspiration to write this blog didn't come from a significant interest in writing but instead because I wanted to dabble in something else, and thought that by writing a blog about the things I'm learning I could try something new that would lead to learning more new things. So if you have any odd questions, are curious about something, or have some of your own great tips please feel free to contact me so we can share them with everyone else.

          -Jen Levitt
"...If you think you can, you can
If you think you can't, you can't..."
- Henry Ford

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